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Hormone Replacement Therapy


Hormone Replacement Therapy, sometimes called postmenopausal hormone treatment or menopause hormone treatment, is a commonly prescribed form of hormone treatment used to treat many symptoms associated with the natural aging process. Common symptoms treated with HRT include hot flashes and night sweats, fatigue, depression and anxiety, and emotional outbursts. While some of these conditions are short-term, others can last for years. Because of the discomfort they cause, many women find that HRT is an appropriate option for alleviating their symptoms and promoting good quality, restful sleep.


Since fat removal therapy is typically recommended for patients over the age of 40, women of this age group understandably have many questions about this growing medical practice. One of the most frequently asked questions centers on possible risks associated with this type of therapy. While the risks of surgery or other invasive procedures are not significant, HRT is typically administered through injections, which carry some inherent risks of their own. To add to the confusion about HRT risks, another frequently asked question is about the safety of hormone replacement therapy during the menopausal years. While the American Medical Association has advised against HRT use during the menopausal years, many health organizations have since endorsed the use of this alternative form of therapy.


One reason why HRT may be considered an appropriate alternative to more invasive forms of menopause treatment is that hormone replacement therapy generally offers significant symptomatic relief. For instance, replacement of the female sex hormone estrogen can help to relieve many symptoms of menopause such as night sweats, hot flashes and night sweating. Furthermore, estrogen injections can also help to reduce vaginal dryness and heartburn. To know more about health, visit this website at


While women may bemoan the negative side effects of hormone therapy like hot flashes and night sweats, they must remember that these symptoms only last for a few months, and then they are gone. Hormone therapy helps to prevent the onset of the menopause by regulating the process by which estrogen is made in the body. And since hormone replacement therapy generally doesn't cause any adverse side effects, there are no real grounds on which women can object when it comes to deciding to undergo menopausal treatment.


Another important reason why it may be preferable to opt for HRT compared to more radical methods like surgery and pills is the fact that HRT can help treat symptoms related to both menopause and menopausal symptoms. Some of the symptoms that hormone replacement therapy can help treat include hot flushes, night sweats and mood swings. Hot flushes are a common symptom of menopause because hot flashes are triggered by the body's hormonal fluctuations that take place during this phase. When these hot flashes are successfully treated with HRT, they help to diminish the discomfort associated with them, and they also improve one's ability to cope with the stressful circumstances that arise during the menopausal period.


As for mood swings, many women find that their mood improves after taking low-dose progesterone and sometimes these mood swings may even disappear. As progesterone is also used to help regulate the menstrual cycle, some women may choose to take progesterone along with their standard hormonal-suppressive pills. In fact, women who combine HRT with regular hormonal-suppressive pills may find that their symptoms get better over time. However, doctors may suggest that one start taking low-dose progesterone immediately if one starts experiencing symptoms of menopause or menopausal symptoms.

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